So here you are. It’s Christmas and you are the proud new owner of a DSLR. Top of the line, middle of the road, bottom of the barrel- doesn’t matter. You have graduated beyond point and shoot. Embrace that wicked fast shutter, and don’t forget to kiss wifey-hubby-grandmommy whomever is responsible for this blessing that has been bestowed upon you.
Look Mommy I'm a photographer!! | | |
We all know you have been looking forward to this for a long time. Maybe now you can make the Ultimate digital scrapbook you have been promising your mother. Or perhaps you can show off to the ladies at sewing class. Of course if you are a single middle aged man and you are like 80% of the single middle aged men who get fancy photography equipment...start that Model Mayhem profile Now-those half-naked...too kind...Naked models don’t book themselves you know!
“I specialize in ‘artistic’ nude photography...yea my studio is in my basement-ignore the webcam” |
Whatever your specialty is-landscape, portrait, macro, industrial, etc...there will be only one thing on Aunt Edna’s mind. You are now soley responsible for capturing every moment of every family members life for the rest of your days...and beyond.
your future |
So, on Christmas day, when you are opening that delectable delight you have been drooling over for nigh on a year, do not be surprised when you hear “Oh good you will be able to take a picture of the Whole family after we finish opening presents. Oh yes, you have been labeled. Your life mapped by the family events you “simply must remember to bring your camera” to.
Next week: Nikon or Canon...What’s the Big Deal Anyway?
yes, mine is the video camera!!